Sunday, June 26, 2011

Well hello there ;)

Heyy there Emily Here :)
This is just a quick lil post for me to say hi amd introduce myself.
So, as i think lizzy said earlier, im 14 years old and have a (slight) addiction to make up and anything related to beauty! ;) I realy got into it last summer when i started making some money from babysitting, so i bought some makeup, and it sort of spiraled outwards from there! I love to do my friends makeup for parties and occasions and Lizzy is my main victim hahaha :)

So lizzy and i had always wanted to do somesort of beauty related thing together, but just never had gotten around to it and could never find the time to do it together. Until a few days ago, Lizzy called me and said "hey you wanna do a blog together?" and there it started :) were hoping that we can get atleast a few people to follow this blog, so that we can help other people get better with beauty like other people did with us :)


<3 Emily

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