Monday, June 27, 2011

My fourth (and final... for now) design

So I was over at Emily's today, and she had Sally Hansen's Insta-Dry yellow nail polish, and personally I LOVE funky colors like yellow, lime green, and purple. Unfortunately, I don't have any crazy colors like that (yet), so I had to find a design to use yellow with. So then I went to Google and found this design, and I fell in love. Thus, my design was born. The dots are pretty messy because Emily and I were laughing about God knows what throughout the time when I was doing my nails, so I apologize for that. Anyways, here it is!

My third design

My third design was inspired by that 1-UP mushroom from Mario. I always liked that little guy, it saved me from dying about 60,000 times when I was little, so I decided to dedicate an entire hand to it. The only problem with this design is that it kind of looks like you have grass under your nails, or at least thats what my parents say :P

I started out with a french tip, and then added a green line right above the white tip. For the mushroom, I made the white tip more large and rounded, and then shaped the green to contour the white. Then I added two black lines for eyes and dotted the green top with white, and viola! Masterpiece!

My second design

I used this design for my middle school graduation, the whole outfit will be coming soon. But for now, this look was inspired by my math teacher's shoes actually. They were zebra heels with pink outlines, and I absolutely ADORE them. If I had the time I would've went to DSW to get them (that was my original idea), but I didn't. This is one of my more difficult designs, so it's a little messy.

I started out with a white base, and then painted on the pink. Once that dried I made all the zebra stripes, and finished off with the silver diagonal line. For my outfit, I chose a simple halter top black dress and black heels, and I got my hair cut that day so I left it down and straightened. This was more of a semi-formal look, so only use it for a party or for a night out with your friends, not a special occasion like Christmas.

My first design

Well, I think that now is a good time to begin sharing my designs. I have a lot of catching up to do, so keep up!

My first design is a simple french tip with a stenciled in flower. The stencil I used is from this combination pack with 3 different art brushes (black, white, and silver) and 3 different stencils. It's from Sally Hansen. The designs on the stencil include flowers, different line designs, and other random things. I use it a lot, the only problem is that the stencils get messy when you trace over them. Also, you can only use them if your nail is dry, so the art pops off the nail itself. Other than that I'm pretty happy with them, so go out an buy them!

<3 Lizzy

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Well hello there ;)

Heyy there Emily Here :)
This is just a quick lil post for me to say hi amd introduce myself.
So, as i think lizzy said earlier, im 14 years old and have a (slight) addiction to make up and anything related to beauty! ;) I realy got into it last summer when i started making some money from babysitting, so i bought some makeup, and it sort of spiraled outwards from there! I love to do my friends makeup for parties and occasions and Lizzy is my main victim hahaha :)

So lizzy and i had always wanted to do somesort of beauty related thing together, but just never had gotten around to it and could never find the time to do it together. Until a few days ago, Lizzy called me and said "hey you wanna do a blog together?" and there it started :) were hoping that we can get atleast a few people to follow this blog, so that we can help other people get better with beauty like other people did with us :)


<3 Emily

Friday, June 24, 2011

It's The Start of Something New

Hey guys! This is our first post and we're both really excited to be sharing our talents with you all!

Lets start out by introducing ourselves. This blog is run by two really talented artists, Lizzy Clark and Emily McPartlin. Lizzy is 13 years old and lives in NJ. She began her hobby by going to the nail salon every two weeks with her mom since she was a baby. She would watch the women do her mom's nails and subconciously learn little tips and tricks. When she got a little older, she began asking questions about how to do nails the right way, and then polished off her training with the classic "trial and error" technique. Now, she does her own and her friend's nails very often, getting ideas from her brain and from professional nail artists. With this blog, she hopes to give advice about painting nails to those seeking help.

(Emily's intro will be coming soon)

This blog isn't strictly about makeup and nails, though. Quite often you'll find that we'll add in little segments on hair, fashion, and many other interesting topics. Whenever you see something that you like, be sure to comment and share it with your friends!

In addition to a blog, we also have a shared YouTube account that can be found in this link. If you love what we do, be sure to subscribe!

There will be more posts to come later on in the week, so keep a sharp eye out.
Happy Summer!!
~Lizzy and Emily <3